Category Archives: Media Coverage

Dr. Ralph Metzner Comments A Bit On All the Recent Press

Here’s Ralph’s post on his own blog about the last few weeks of press on the archives. Ralph was a graduate student at Harvard, working on his Ph.D in Clinical Psychology, which he received.  He took graduate classes with Leary and Alpert, was introduced to psilocybin mushrooms, and became a research assistant on the Harvard […]

The Economist Weighs In: “Research into hallucinogenic drugs begins to shake off decades of taboo”

Nice to see that, for the most part, the Economist gets it! This piece keeps an open mind about the potential benefits of this research finally being published and made publicly available. Acid tests: Research into hallucinogenic drugs begins to shake off decades of taboo Excerpted from the article: “These papers will be interesting not […]

New York Magazine Article On A Bad Trip

Timothy’s longtime archivist Michael Horowitz sent this comment on the piece in New York Magazine (June 27 issue): The New York Magazine writer who covered the recent acquisition of the Timothy Leary archives by the New York Public Library seems to have a morbid interest in descriptions of the worst moments of people’s psychedelic trips.  […]

Nice Post By The Berkeley Blog About Tim’s Legendary Mind

A lovely, historically accurate, trip down memory lane, courtesy of David Presti, senior lecturer of neurobiology at CAL. The numbered footnotes in the excerpt below link directly to the relevant Johns Hopkins University research study. Oh boy oh boy, do we have a lot of Johns Hopkins University research studies to talk about! 🙂 Here’s […]

NY Times: New York Public Library Buys Timothy Leary’s Papers

It is very exciting for us to have the New York Times finally announce the New York Public Library’s acquisition of Tim’s amazing archives. Thanks to all the members of “Team Tim” over the years that helped to make this all possible! The below is excerpted from the NY Times article: Ginsberg’s “session record,” composed […]

MP3 and Transcription of Denis Berry on Air America’s “Doin Time with Ron Kuby”

Denis Berry was on Air America’s Doin Time with Ron Kuby. Here’s an MP3:  Ron Kuby Interviews Denis Berry – March 4, 2009 This program was aired on March 4, 2009. Complete Transcription Ron Kuby: We bring you this flashback because the archives of Dr. Timothy Leary are being digitized and placed on the net […]

Brian Shields on KRON Channel 4 Covers Our February 8th Event!

Brian Shields put together this great piece for KRON Channel 4, San Francisco, featuring Brewster Kahle, John Perry Barlow, Ralph Metzner, and Michael Horowitz. You can see all the individual interviews too, right here, on Brian Shields’ website.

CNET’s Daniel Terdiman Takes the First Peek at Tim’s Archives

Timothy Leary’s archives: Bridge from ’60s to ’90s – By Daniel Terdiman for CNET. There’s also a lovely photo gallery included in the piece.    (Thanks, Daniel!) Here’s a little excerpt: “Leary, as you probably know, was famous for his decades of experimental research into and promotion of the effects of hallucinogens, and over the years […]