Tag Archives: Folsom Prison

Timothy Leary to Vaclav Havel:
“You Have Done Good, My Brother”

New article for Boing Boing: Prototype dissidents: Timothy Leary and Václav Havel at the dawn of the internet age By Lisa Rein & Michael Horowitz, for Boing Boing “ONE DISSIDENT ELECTRONIC MEDIA EXPERT. . . CAN JAM THE SYSTEM.” On July 4, 1992, fifteen years after it was published, Leary inscribed a copy of Neuropolitics, […]

Latest NYPL Post on Processing the Leary Papers: Annotations and Fact Clarification

Jennifer Ulrich is the archivist in charge of processing the Timothy Leary Papers at the New York Public Library, their new home. She’s been blogging about the entire process, and providing a few peeks inside at a few goodies while she’s at it. Jennifer’s latest post provides documentation directly from the archives that will correct […]