Category Archives: Prison Years (1970-1976)

It’s the 74th Anniversary of Albert Hofmann’s Bicycle Trip

To celebrate Bicycle Day on April 19th, the date of Albert Hofmann’s—and the world’—first LSD trip in 1943, we are publishing this excerpt from the forthcoming interview with Michael Horowitz—the third installment of the Acid Bodhisattva series, coming soon to Images: from Lysergic World (April, 1993): Albert Hofmann in 1977 (left), and the route […]

Timothy Leary to Vaclav Havel:
“You Have Done Good, My Brother”

New article for Boing Boing: Prototype dissidents: Timothy Leary and Václav Havel at the dawn of the internet age By Lisa Rein & Michael Horowitz, for Boing Boing “ONE DISSIDENT ELECTRONIC MEDIA EXPERT. . . CAN JAM THE SYSTEM.” On July 4, 1992, fifteen years after it was published, Leary inscribed a copy of Neuropolitics, […]

Dock Ellis, Timothy Leary, LSD and America’s Favorite Pastime

By Lisa Rein and Michael Horowitz Patrick Hruby has written an extensive piece for ESPN Outside the Lines on the epic Dock Ellis no-hit baseball game, which he pitched while under the effects of LSD on June 12, 1970, a feat which has been called “the greatest achievement in the history of sports” (Lysergic World, a […]

Jennifer Ulrich Interviews Michael Horowitz Re: The Archival Catastrophe of 1975 and the Birth of ARCANA

Michael Horowitz, Dr. Timothy Leary’s Archivist, 1970 to the present Jennifer Ulrich, over at the New York Public Library (where Dr. Leary’s archives now live), has a new post about “The Archival Catastrophe of 1975,” when the Feds took possession of the archives and put Michael Horowitz, Tim’s archivist since 1970, on the stand in […]