Tag Archives: Terra II

Inner Space and Outer Space: Carl Sagan’s Letters to Timothy Leary (1974)

By Lisa Rein and Michael Horowitz (See full text of letters at the bottom of this post.) It will probably surprise a lot of people that the great American astronomer, astrophysicist  and cosmologist, Carl Sagan, advocate of space travel and extra-terrestrial communication, visited Timothy Leary in the California Medical Facility, a state prison in Vacaville, California. Two […]

Latest NYPL Post on Processing the Leary Papers: Annotations and Fact Clarification

Jennifer Ulrich is the archivist in charge of processing the Timothy Leary Papers at the New York Public Library, their new home. She’s been blogging about the entire process, and providing a few peeks inside at a few goodies while she’s at it. Jennifer’s latest post provides documentation directly from the archives that will correct […]