Category Archives: Articles

Leary, McLuhan and Electronic Technology

New article for Boing Boing:  Timothy Leary and Marshall McLuhan, Turned On and Tuned In By Michael Horowitz & Lisa Rein In 1974, when asked by Timothy Leary’s archivist Michael Horowitz for a statement of support for the imprisoned psychologist, Marshall McLuhan sent a letter, now published for the first time, describing Leary as “the […]

Dock Ellis, Timothy Leary, LSD and America’s Favorite Pastime

By Lisa Rein and Michael Horowitz Patrick Hruby has written an extensive piece for ESPN Outside the Lines on the epic Dock Ellis no-hit baseball game, which he pitched while under the effects of LSD on June 12, 1970, a feat which has been called “the greatest achievement in the history of sports” (Lysergic World, a […]

CNET’s Daniel Terdiman Takes the First Peek at Tim’s Archives

Timothy Leary’s archives: Bridge from ’60s to ’90s – By Daniel Terdiman for CNET. There’s also a lovely photo gallery included in the piece.    (Thanks, Daniel!) Here’s a little excerpt: “Leary, as you probably know, was famous for his decades of experimental research into and promotion of the effects of hallucinogens, and over the years […]